
Showing posts from 2020

You've Got to Start From Somewhere: Introduction to the New Fire of the Lighthouse

  Warning: this entire blog post is worth the read. "Katai, create it and send a link by tomorrow. Or else." As soon as I read her text, I shuddered. Oh, man! That means I have to do it. It was late Friday morning; I had just finished typing out one of my "WhatsApp essays" when I received that text. Why an essay? Because I had to share my most amazing discovery— the Bible is actually colorful! My church group had started sharing daily devotionals on a particular passage elected by the group. A person was picked at random, given passage of Scripture, and was expected to share a short devotional that day. Two days later, I was selected. That afternoon, I sat in front of Hebrews chapter four, shaking my head in disbelief. Who am I to share a passage? I'm no preacher! I have no experience! What if I interpret the passage wrong? As these thoughts reeled through my head, I shrunk in despair. But I could not back down—there was no option to. At that moment, only God co